10 Common Interview Questions

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, especially when unsure of what to expect. Furthermore, did you know you usually only have 7 seconds to make a positive first impression? The rest all depends on how you respond to the interview questions.

Preparing for common interview questions and answers can help you feel more confident and prepared. Whether you’re interviewing for your dream company or a part-time gig, there are certain questions that you can expect to be asked.

1. Tell us about yourself.

This question is often asked as an icebreaker to get the conversation flowing. It’s an opportunity to highlight your personal and professional accomplishments, skills, and interests. When answering this question, keep the following tips in mind :

2. Why are you interested in this position?

This question assesses your interest in the job and the company. It provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge of the company’s mission, values, and products or services. When addressing this question, remember the following tips:

  • Conduct thorough research: Prior to the interview, familiarize yourself with the company’s culture, products, and values.
  • Be specific: Rather than providing a generic response, articulate what specifically attracts you to the job and the company.
  • Display enthusiasm: Utilize positive language and tone to convey your excitement about the opportunity.

3. What are your strengths?

This question is an opportunity to highlight the skills and experiences that make you a suitable candidate for the position. When answering this question, keep the following tips in mind:

4. What are your weaknesses?

Answering this question can pose a challenge, but it presents an opportunity to demonstrate self-awareness and a readiness to improve. When addressing this question, consider the following tips:

  • Be honest: Avoid attempting to portray a weakness as a strength. Acknowledge a genuine weakness and outline the steps you’ve taken to address it.
  • Be specific: Instead of offering a general response, provide a concrete example of a situation where your weakness posed a challenge and detail how you overcame it.
  • Exhibit a growth mindset: Structure your answer to emphasize your openness to learning and developing.

5. Why did you leave your previous job?

This question is often asked to gauge your attitude towards your previous employer and to determine if there were any red flags. When answering this question, keep the following tips in mind:

6. What are your salary expectations?

Answering this question can feel uncomfortable, but it’s crucial to be prepared. When addressing this question, remember the following tips:

  • Conduct research: Investigate the average salary range for the position and industry to guide your response.
  • Be confident: Offer a salary range that you believe is suitable considering your experience and qualifications.
  • Be flexible: Remain open to negotiating both salary and other benefits.

7. What are your long-term career goals?

This question determines if your career goals align with the company’s mission and vision. When answering this question, keep the following tips in mind:

8. How do you handle stress or pressure?

This question aims to assess your capability to navigate challenging situations. When addressing this question, consider the following tips:

  • Offer examples: Provide specific instances where you effectively managed stress or pressure in previous roles.
  • Explain your approach: Elaborate on the strategies you employ to handle stress and maintain composure under pressure.
  • Demonstrate resilience: Showcase how you’ve rebounded from tough situations and gleaned valuable lessons from those experiences.

9. What sets you apart from other candidates?

This question differentiates you from other candidates and showcases your unique skills and experiences. When answering this question, keep the following tips in mind:

10. Do you have any questions for us?

This question is often asked at the end of the interview and allows you to ask questions and learn more about the company and the role. When answering this question, keep the following tips in mind:


You can ace even the most challenging interview questions with proper preparation and practice. Remember to research the company, practise your answers, and stay confident and optimistic throughout the interview.

By keeping these tips in mind and tailoring your answers to the specific job and company, you’ll be well on your way to acing your interview.

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